For Fun

West Coast – Tree Huggers and Other Myths

The Left Coast.  Fruits and Nuts.  Tree Huggers.  Blue States.  Yes, the West Coast does have a reputation for liberal politics and quirky lifestyles.  After all, this is Ground Zero for the Spotted Owl controversy and the best place in the US to find lingering reminders of the ‘60’s.  But does that categorically define the citizens of Washington, Oregon and California?  Not in my opinion.  I like the image of the Pioneer better.

Ours is a young nation, but it is youngest here on the West Coast.  Jamestown had been around for 300 years by the time people got serious about settling in places like San Francisco and Seattle.  So what does this relatively recent development say about the people that live here?

I’m no historian, but based on personal family history and a quick look around the neighborhood, I have come to the conclusion that the West Coast is populated by a high percentage of people that moved here intentionally to pursue an opportunity.  These are people who moved away from some level of security and comfort to take a chance and put their future prosperity on the line.  Is this any less dramatic for the Southeast Asian immigrant of today, than it was for the wagon-train occupant of the 1800’s?  In both cases, it takes conviction and a willingness to take a chance in order to obtain a better future.

Are there ways in which this “pioneer” mentality is manifested in today’s business culture?  Absolutely!  How about the trait of self-confidence, or its cousin, creative risk-taking?  Within the Seattle area examples abound, including Boeing, Microsoft, Amazon, PACCAR, Red Hook, Costco, and Starbucks … to name just a few.  Within the DNA of each of these companies is a willingness to innovate, to explore, to take a risk and reap the reward.

So perhaps some of the social labels attached to the west coast are really a reflection on the large quantity of outspoken individuals that aren’t afraid to be unconventional.  It’s in their DNA to step out and do something different.  Sometimes those behaviors appear wacky and misguided.  And too often today, the nutty ideas are the ones that get the headlines.  Before long we have another misconceived perception of what those west-coast, mushroom-eating, latte-drinking, liberal-leaning hippies are all about.

Keep in mind that historically, pioneers of ALL types have sought opportunity out here between the Rocky Mountains and the Pacific, and plenty of us fall in the conservative portion of the political spectrum.  These might be “Blue States”, but it’s not that hard to find communities and individuals that don’t fit the stereotype.  I’ve even heard that Seattle is no longer the “least-churched” region in the country.  I don’t know who stole the title.  Maybe Portland. (smile)  Regardless, the next time you find yourself tempted to whitewash all of us as “grunge-rock-save-the-whales-vegan-enviro-extremists”, kindly take a step back from the stereotype and pause a moment to praise the spirit of the pioneer.  It’s alive and well out here on the edge of the Pacific, and it may very well be the source of your favorite new technology.  Or perhaps a creatively-named and over-priced microbrew.  I’ll drink to that!

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